Sunday, January 1, 2012

My name is Aleisha, and I am an addict...

I am completely and utterly enamored with Amanda Fucking Palmer.

If you weren't already aware, (which I'm sure you are) I discovered the wonders of Amanda Palmer about 2.5 years ago, I was hypnotized by this mysterious, bold, amazing woman with painted on eyebrows and fearless attitude. Her spirit captured me. She is bold and powerful, and utterly amazing.

And that's not even her music, that's just HER.

To Me, Amanda is the epitome of 'be yourself'. I think her music made me stronger. It made me excited. It made me HAPPY. Which is funny, because so much of her music is dark and sad.

Unlike many, I got into Amanda's solo album first. I listened to it to death, for months, screaming her tunes in my car, loving every second of it. I don't think any of my family really 'got it' but I didn't really care.... I had found my idol in this 30 something American queen of punk cabaret.

I also got into the Dresden Dolls, obviously, and have since grown to love them just as much if not more than Amanda's solo material.

The Dresden Dolls have not been playing together for quite a while. They needed a break from each other after touring together solidly for a couple of years - but they have reunited and next week, they will be performing in Australia and I will get to see them for the first time!

I cannot express how excited this makes me - not only do I get to see Amanda again, a couple of times - as we're once again following her to Sydney and back to the Forum in Melbourne - but I get to see the Dresden Dolls side of her. Which from what I've seen of their live performances, will be mind blowing.

I honestly don't think you can really 'get' Amanda until you see her live, though. I don't think the love I felt for her was as strong until I dragged Phil to her show at the Forum the year before last. She played her opening number, Sex Changes, A dresden dolls song - and one of our favourites, and we were both just awestruck. We sat and cheered and fell madly in love with this amazing madwoman.

Early this year we flew to Sydney for her Australia day concert, missed parties and changed flights to attend an intimate show at a stranger's house (now one of our best friends) saw her again in Melbourne, even though we had tickets to see Tim Minchin the same night, and then, I ended up flying to Adelaide at the last minute to see her perform as part of a set of 'conjoined twins' - Evelyn Evelyn (look them up too, if you haven't heard the buzz - they are just freaking brilliant)

It is because of Amanda that I have discovered Kim Boekbinder, The Jane Austen Argument, Jason Webley, Mikelangelo and the Tin Star/Saint Clare, The General Assembly(go listen to their album and I BET you won't be able to NOT buy it), and a renewed love of live music. I have been to more gigs this year than in the last 5. it has been a fucking great year.

It is also because of Amanda that I've met some of the people I would now call my best friends - Karina, Ian, Marianne and Helen - All of whom I met at Karina's intimate BBQ gig in Sydney. I am so thankful for that night.

So now It is my wish for the new year to be able to make you all see what I see - I wish you could all experience this amazing woman in the flesh. This brilliant band. These people that feed off each others' energy and leave you buzzing from head to toe.

The Dresden Dolls:
Come see them and let me know if you're going! I will be at the Sydney and Melbourne shows!

Australian Tour info:

Brisbane - Tivoli - 5th Jan
Sydney - The Enmore - 7th Jan
Melbourne - Forum Theatre - 8th Jan
Adelaide - The Gov - 11th Jan
Perth - The Astor Theatre - 12th Jan
Tasmania - Mona Foma - 19th Jan

Here are a few of my favourite Dresden Dolls bits and pieces to whet your appetite

Dresden Dolls - Girl Anachronism

Dresden Dolls - Sex Changes

This video is from the first time we ever saw Amanda - At the Forum - and the first time she ever played this song - The Black Death

Amanda Palmer - Missed me - at St.Kilda BBQ early 2011 - I post because we're in it.

Dresden Dolls - Coin-Operated Boy (it won't let me embed, how RUDE.)

Amanda Palmer - In my mind

I believe that will do. Go forth. Buy tickets, I will see you in either Sydney or Melbourne this weekend if you liked any of the above. if you didn't, well then, that's your loss :P


1 comment:

vtraddict said...

I will see you in both Sydney AND Melbourne!