Friday, December 9, 2011

And so it begins....

Well Hellooo...

I used to be a consistent blogger. Before they even called it blogging, when it was just, ya know, having an LJ... You can find the last 10 years of my life here on LiveJournal - but dear GOD don't read too far back, it's vaguely horrifying reading the ramblings of my teenage self.

A friend inspired me to start anew. Build a blogspot. I came to blogspot and realised OH HEY, I ALREADY HAVE ONE, I just never ever started it. Laaaazy.

So Who am I? Well, I'm glad you asked, Me.

I'm 27 years old. I live in a little town called Hastings, in Victoria Australia. I got married a month ago tomorrow (oh how time flies!) to the greatest man in the world - his name is Phil, and he's by far the best thing that's ever happened to me.

We have a dog (Molly) and 4 cats (annoying) and are thinking of starting a family of tiny humans (who I'm sure will eventually grow to full size) soon, though I dunno when, we'll have to wait and see I guess.

I suppose you could say I've done a lot in my life. But at the same time it feels like so very little. I have been to the USA 3 times; all 3 for convention type events.
I lived in Sydney for 2 years and was engaged to someone there completely and utterly wrong for me, for about 3 months I think, after being together for 4 years. It was messy, and I got the cats in the 'divorce' which is not so awesome these days. I wonder if I can give them back. Surely it's his turn for custody by now.

I went to an amazing private school that I think prepared me to be an outgoing, friendly, kinda cool (albeit only to a select few) adult, but it did not succeed in making me get a fancy-pants career or anything. I do believe, however, that it made me realise you can do whatever you want to do, and should - as long as you're happy. I never went to uni. I started working for my parents straight after High school; we're picture framers. And then I moved to sydney and worked as an admin/typist person for a huge engineering firm (where I got paid a lot to do easy-peasy work) and then when I moved home, I went back to working with my parents again. Now I'm kinda trapped here, hoping that the business will get back on track, fully expecting one day to have the reigns completely handed to me and my sister, and to have to battle with all the crap my folks do to survive. I feel obliged to stay, but at the same time I like it - I like that it's easy, I like that it's casual and that it doesn't matter if I'm 30 minutes late almost every day, or that I faff around on the internet about 80% of the time. You don't (always) get away with that stuff at normal jobs. I hated the last one I had.

I have had a dream for a few years now though, I would desperately love to become a makeup artist. Originally I wanted to do it so I could go and meet movie and TV stars, but now - I kinda feel more like I'd like to do it to make people beautiful for their weddings, make people look crazy-awesome for photoshoots, and just pretty much for fun. I'm trying to book in to do a course early next year but they're not getting back to me. It's a bit frustrating, but hopefully it'll happen and it'll be a decent course, as it's cheaper than most and short - but all i really want/need is the basics, I think so much of it is just practice and talent.

I would go on, and did intend to, but I just realized that a party I'm supposed to be at started at 3pm and I'm not dressed to leave the house yet. oopsie. I shall return later to bore you further!

Leish out.

"Always be yourself, unless you suck" - Joss Whedon